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Oh how I WISH I had this problem! :) (Wed Nov 12 00:48:00 2003 )
shell [View profile ]


Until today, I only had 5 cels.  But today I 
received 9 more!  Yeaaahh!  Woooohoooo! (How do 
you make a huge, cheeze-eatin' grin with just 
keyboard strokes?! The sideways smiley just 
won't do it here!)  A couple of the new cels I 
will put right back up for sale because they 
came in groups with others I really wanted, so 
I'll be back down to about an even dozen in a 
week or so.  But I'm looking forward to actually 
buying my first book soon! (I'm framing most of 
them so far.)  I'm reading all your organization 
tips with interest so, when I'm fortunate enough 
to have cels that reproduce in the dark confines 
of my closet, I'll know what to do with them 
all! :)

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