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Re: Share: your miracle cel stories! (Mon Nov 10 18:14:08 2003 )
eridanus [View profile ]

My recent story is much more sedate.  I caught an 
anime-cel.com update 15 minutes after it 
occurred.  Ordered a bunch of the Generator Gawl 
cels they had.  Found out the two I wanted the 
most were already spoken for.  Amazed, I dashed 
off a little e-note saying something to the 
effect that if fifteen minutes was too late to 
catch things, did they have people poised outside 
their windows, waiting for the update signal. 
Then I sent payment for the rest of my order.  

About a month later, I got an email from them 
stating that the person who'd reserved the other 
Gawl cels hadn't paid, and was I still 
interested!  Hoo boy, yeah! So, in the end, I did 
get everything I wanted.  I stil can't believe my 
luck on that.  (I'll have to post the pic later, 
as I don't have a copy here at work.)

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