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General announcement for all who e-mail me. . . and a "we hate-spam" show me. ~_~ (Wed Dec 17 04:30:19 2003 )
Drac of the Sharp Smiles [View profile ]


I wanted to announce that from now on, messages 
to me with certain titles will be *AUTO-DELETED* 
and will *NOT* reach me. These are messages with 
blank titles, and any messages titled:

hi there
help me
please help me
your mail

The same goes if the above are preceeded by "re:" 
but will not apply to mails with something else 
in the title. (Meaning, a message titled "help 
me" will be auto-deleted, but one titled "help me 
on Yahoo Japan" will go through.) I simply MUST 
reduce some spam to my inbox or I'll go insane. 
I'm posting this because I do occasionally get 
legitimate mail with those titles, but spammers 
love them too.

So in the name of DESPISING spam, please show me 
characters that are blasting something to pieces! 
Machinery would be best, but even general violence
will do since I want to see lots of posts. ^_^

To make it more fun, write a brief hate message 
to a spammer from the character shown in your 
cel! This is to burn off some steam in a fun way, 
so be verbally creative and by thus doing, keep 
it **free of profanities**, despite what we'd all 
really like to say to spammers. ^_~

My entry is below. ^_^

Many Sharp Smiles,

From: Lina Inverse (linverse@lovefood.net)
To: PeNiS EnHaNcEmEnT 4 U
Subject: Your spam

I put up with all the chest jokes because it's in 
my job description. But to repeatedly infer that 
I'm flat enough to pass for the gender that would 
need your help??? A quick death by fireball is 
far too good for you! You're so keen to enhance 
other people's wood, I've found some wood for 
you. Bend over while I give you some enhancement 
you'll NEVER forget!!


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