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Re: Duo Duo dilemma... *grin* (Tue Dec 30 03:36:32 2003 )
marshallbanana - nli [View profile ]

Well, not having looked anyone else's answers...

I would say keep #1. 

First, more complete scene. Chairback is in the 
shot for some context. More of his lower body in 

Second, a cleaner look at his face. #2 has too 
much of the sides cut away by reflection.

Third, action. Always action, if possible. Even 
if it is kind of implied, here.

Fourth, I just like it more...

If #1 had a full suite of sketches, it would 
nicer, but that would be MY only complaint.

I would like to note that I have seen NO Gundam, 
at all, so this is an opinion based on just 
technical merits.

Why keep a straight portrait shot when you can 
have something a little more dynamic?

And lastly, why not just keep both? Eating is 
optional, right?


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