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Duo Duo dilemma... *grin* (Tue Dec 30 02:40:00 2003 )
evilminion [View profile ]

Okay, so just before real life intervened and told
me to stop spending money on anime goodies, I
found two cels on YJ of Duo Maxwell taking the
Zero system out for a spin.  Couldn't figure out
which one I wanted, so I decided to nab both and
pick my favorite once they arrived.

(Ahhhhh, it was nice to have money, heh. 

So here we are a few months later, and they've
arrived... and I still can't choose!  *insert
woozy look here*  Each one has its strong points,
and I'm totally stumped on which to keep.  Hence,
I ask your help.

If you had these two cels in your binder, which
one would you "vote off the island," and why?

Duo #1, B3, partial sketch of face and helmet,
oversized cel:
Duo the first

Duo #2, B2, full sketch with lots of notes:
Duo the second

I would love to hear any and all opinions, whether you're a fan of Gundam Wing or not. It's always fun to find out what other people consider desirable in a cel, since everyone is so different in that respect! ^_^

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