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Re: How this hobby has changed (Sun Jan 6 00:40:38 2008 )
Anon [View profile ]

For flame purposes I am not going to reveal my 
identity here. However, I have been accused of 
being a "hoarder". This is perhaps the worst part 
about cel collecting however, I do not let it 
detract me from my hobby. Others are jealous of 
what I own, I understand. But that isn't why I 
collect. I collect the cels I do because I like 
them, I have the means, and they mean something 
to me - each and every one of them. I even turn 
down cels that I don't like because, shock-shock-
horror, I don't desire every single cel from one 

It's rediculous how you can't have more than a 
dozen cels from one series without being accused 
of being something called a "hoarder". It's a 
shame that such bitterness exists in a community 
where we share the same hobby. It really makes me 
pity those people who attempt to upset others by 
flaming them out of such jealousy and anger. I 
have a tough skin but others out there have even 
gone Blackhole because of such flaming. The only 
reason I won't go Blackhole is because some 
people like to know what cels are out there and I 
would feel worse hiding everything away. 

I really believe that everyone has the right to 
collect whatever cels they want. There are some 
people out there who have more money to spend on 
cels than other people, but that's just life and 
they're doing nothing wrong. If we put it into 
perspecive - some people have more money to spend 
on a house/car than other people. It's just the 
way life is! I've been outbid on many cels on 
auction purely because I feel the price is too 
high and I personally would be uncomfortable 
spending that much on the cel. But for someone 
else, the price was right. Each to their own.

I also believe that you can have an extensive 
collection and be nice to other collectors. There 
must be some kind of stereotypical assumption 
that people with a large collection must be 
really greedy and selfish. Not me, though. I have 
made some close friends in this hobby and have 
even given cels to them as gifts as well as 
helped them out with cel-related problems. I am 
also friends with people who collect the same 
series I do and we compromise on auctions. I am 
not friends with any one of them because I want 
something from them, but because they are good-
hearted people and we get on well. Just like the 
friends I have outside of cel collecting.

We have to weed out the good people from the bad 
in this hobby, and in life, but it's worth it. 
^_^ You really just have to ignore the people who 
are nasty and rest easy knowing that you're one 
of the good guys.

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