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Re: How this hobby has changed (Wed Jan 2 00:01:39 2008 )
MashouNoTenshi [View profile ]

I'm relatively new to this hobby, but I've not
really seen the severity of what you describe.
Sure, there are those who will hoard particular
shows and unreasonably outbid all others because
they have a deep wallet. But that's always going
to be the case in any collecting community for
some. Nearly everybody I've met has been very
helpful, and I've met a few who were particularly
and deliberately nice in that they tried not to
espouse those vices you listed above. 

Even if someone's trying to harass you into
selling or otherwise being a jerk, you have
options available to you. You can ignore the
person, block the person's email, or in
particularly egregious cases, inform the
community. We'll basically all adults here, and it
shouldn't be too hard to deal with such things.
Certainly quitting the hobby is more of a radical
option than what I've listed. 

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