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How this hobby has changed (Mon Dec 31 02:26:26 2007 )
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Well since I came to this hooby six years ago 
things have really changed.   Collecters then 
were always willing to help out a newbee and 
share there experiences. Sometimes they even 
backed off on a cel because they wanted to give 
someone else a chance to enjoy the hobby that 
they enjoyed so much .  As the years have gone 
buy this hobby has really changed , now their is 
backstabbing over cels, people hoarding cels. 
Chewing out a fellow collecters so that he/she 
will stop collecting and sell their collection 
cheap so they can get what they want from it .  
This at one point was a hobby were everyone was 
happy sharing their cels and the community came 
togather to help new collecters get  aclimated 
into the community.   This community is all 
about who has the best cel and the biggest 
wallet to buy that cel . After being in this 
hobby for such a long time I have decided that I 
no longer want to be a part of such a 
community .  if anyone wasnt to comment on their 
experiences with this hobby either good or bad 
please by all means post.

thank you for letting me post my thoughts out 

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