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Re: OT sorta: Why I hate ebay... (Thu Feb 19 00:55:51 2004 )
melissa [View profile ]

Whenever I neg someone I automatically assume 
they will neg me back and live with it.  That 
happened recently.  Someone won and auction and 
I sent like three or four invoices,  atleast one 
through ebay,  filed a NPB alert and everything 
and never heard from the bidder.  A month after 
the auction ended I negged the bidder and then 
she negs me back saying I never sent her an 
invoice and she sent me tons of email.  I know 
that was complete bullshit because if she sent 
email I would have received it because I have 
had no email problems.  She just saw fit to 
ignore all my and ebay's emails and then neg me 
back.  Oh well I have like over 4000 positive 
feedbacks and she has less than 20,  who do you 
think people are going to believe?

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