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I agree......... (Tue Feb 24 23:05:42 2004 )
Cel Addict (nli) [View profile ]


 OH PLEASE! I can't believe all the whinning 
going on regarding this trivail debate. I agree 
with Melissa. You OWN the cel who cares who has 
the images. Many people like to copy images and 
create banners and such, it's  a very common 
thing. I have stated before that there are 
several sites that copied my Macross And Yohko 
cels for there own purposes....Ok, so what I have 
the cel..no big deal. 

I guess some people just need something to write, 
rant and rave about. If they act like this 
towards a piece of plastic I wonder what they are 
like in person, -_-

 Cel Addict

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