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Re: Re: In that case... (Sat Mar 6 04:13:28 2004 )
Julie [View profile ]

Just curious what country was it shipped to? I 
shipped an item via EMS to Canada and it arrived 
broken. He paid extra for the insurance to cover 
the amount over the covered $100. I then had to 
take my copy of the EMS label showing the 
tracking number and where it was shipped to. He 
had paid through Paypal, and if I remember 
right, they requested that to prove the amount 
that was paid for the coverage. I filled out a 
form (can't remember the number) and the claims 
clerk sent it to the recipient. There was 
nothing on my end as far as having the recipient 
ship the item back to me, etc. I don't know if 
this is of any help, but I hope so ^_^

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