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Re: in hindsight... (Wed Mar 3 18:22:23 2004 )
dustie(nli) [View profile ]

This information is very helpful. thank you

I did insure the item. It was sent EMS insured. 
He/she paid through paypal via credit card. 
However, he/she said there was no damage to the 

I also received two scans.. one front and one 
side. The front angle looks perfect.. however, 
the side scan with the "damage" .. I cannot prove 
it is the same one from the angle it is scanned 
at. There were many of this item.. so it is 
possible the buyer had another one, already 
damaged and was ready to do this. (though not 
likely) I only have one remaining scan of the 
item in question and unfortunately it is a front 
shot, so I have nothing to compare it from the 
side. Other than my memory and the friend who 
watched me put it in the protective case. 

This is very frustrating.. I want to believe 
him/her, but I also know that I did not send a 
damaged item.

thanks for your input,


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