I really got a problem. Sold a cel 1 month ago,
pardon, the cel was PAID a month ago and way
beyond deadline, and I shipped the cel approx. a
week after I (finally) received the payment from
the buyer who, at that time already, showed signs
of a rather impatient nature (and does it hurt to
ask for insurance..?). So now I get a rude email
threatening to complain about felony and crap.
I already got complained about at eBay by this
kind of impatient ppl who don't understand that
there is no overnight shipping from one continent
to the fornicatin' other. 'specially not when the
merchandise is on its way already ¬_¬
I hate it...
Here's it:
"Ok....I will not wait to take action any longer.
I do not have my cel yet, and I have given your
far to much time to get it to me. Now....you can
either overnight my cel or send money by
tomorrow...or I will contact ebay. I hope you
realize that me paying you.....and you not
sending the merchandise is a felony. I haven't
left negative feedback yet.....I am giving you
time to clear yourself. I want one or the other
by wednesday!!! My paypal name is:
Brandy@lockedinlove.com......you can send me
payment to that by wednesday...or you can
overnight the cel. The total was $195.00!!!
P.S. This is not very professional just so you
know....I know this was for your friends cel, but
you get to be the one that gets in trouble and
not him/her. I suggest you never do it again with
friends...cause it's not working out great.
Also...if you were me and a month went by without
your item...you would be pissed to!!! :$"
What do you suggest?
Anna |