I am sorry I need to post this to the forum, but
I feel its necessary. I am posting about the
member yaten. I am giving warning you need to be
somewhat careful in dealing with her. I only do
this because as of March of last year I entered
into agreement with her for the production of
$300 worth of sailor moon art. I have yet to see
any of it almost a year later. Also she does not
answer my emails or does not respond in any
fashion. Therefore, after this considerable
amount of time and upon recommendation from
others I have decided to post this to the forum
and hopes she will address me and help me to
resolve this situation. I do not bear her any ill
will nor will I say do I think yaten is a
dishonest person. She just has proven
incorrigable and I have no other recourse then to
make others aware of this problem and hope maybe
some pressure maybe brought to bear to resolve
this situation.
Jaug |