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I really don't recommend American-Plas Tech (Sun Feb 29 07:55:41 2004 )
chipn (nli) [View profile ]

Hi Linda,

Don't get mad at me!  We're acquainted through 
another venue, and I don't want to piss you off, 
but I thought I should say I what I know.

Firstly, let me say that my info might be out of 
date.  I last dealt with American-Plas Tech about 
2 years ago.  It's possible that things changed 
when they became "Blondies"?

But I REALLY did not like American-Plas Tech:

1. The bags were somewhat cloudy out of of the 
box -- they had considerably less than 100% light 
tranmission, and made my cels look dim.

2. The bags became even more cloudy within a few 
months.  I actually threw them all out and 
replaced them with bags that did not cloud so 

3. They had a high minimum purchase $$$ that 
forced me to buy things that weren't really on my 
list in order to get over the minumum purchase 

4. Half of what I ordered was on "backorder", and 
they said they'd send it to me when it became 

    Two years later, they've sent nothing from 
the backorder.  I assume they they lost it.

Understand, things might have changed, but I was 
REALLY unimpressed by the American-Plas Tech 
product and service from 2 years ago.

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