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Re: Rinkya cel bags? (Sat Feb 28 18:40:07 2004 )
Linda [View profile ]


   The cel bags are normally regular size and 
they are the cel bags that most people use in 
Japan, good quality polypropylene bags that 
Usagi's House and Anime-link use for their 
cels.  The cel bags come in quantities of 10 per 
bag.  They send you one bag of 10 when you win 
cels using their service.
   If you need more than that or specific sizes 
then try Blondies Bags * Boards & Boxes 
Wholesale Distributors  customeer service # 925-
459-0308  (this is the same company that used to 
be American Plas-tech in California).  If I can 
find a website for them I will post it up 
later.  Their prices are really good, like $10 
for 50 bags.

Hope this helps,

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