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Good Reasons to tell People Why You Watch Bidding Wars (Fri Mar 12 21:10:33 2004 )
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OOH.  Does anyone have the the link for the 
auction?  I'd love to watch it as well.  

I don't think it's strange or anything that you  
sit their & watch bidding wars going on. I think 
it's kind of fun.  I do it all the time.  It's 
even more exciting when you involved in that war 

If people give you a hard time about you watching 
bidding wars, just tell them you doing research.  
You're researching the current goings on in the 
cel collection field.  You are traking what cels 
are popular & what the current price levels are.  
You can tell them that you are using is "usefull" 
information to helping in figurin the value of 
your cels.  

That's what I tell people & if they believe their 
even crazier than I am.

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