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Nah, it's an insomnia thing. :) (Fri Mar 12 18:43:39 2004 )
evilminion (nli at work) [View profile ]

I tend to bookmark auctions that I suspect are 
going to be battlefields, as well as ones I'm 
bidding on and ones that friends are bidding on, 
because sometimes when you're awake at 3AM for 
no good reason, it's just fun to watch the 
prices spiral on a particularly choice cel.  And 
if you're not awake that night, it's also fun to 
check in the morning and see how the auction 
did... sometimes, you'll spot a real jaw-
dropper.  I'm still goggle-eyed over the Xelloss 
that went for nearly $4k on Mandarake a couple 
of weeks ago.  Wish I HAD been awake to watch 
the bidding on that one...

Anyway, practical upshot here is that if Remi 
has issues, so do I.

Not that anyone EVER doubted that I have 


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