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Re: Re: The ever present (Sat Mar 20 18:56:51 2004 )
Aion -nli [View profile ]

I agree with you- I think the person that buys 
the cel should be able to do whatever the hell 
he/she wants to with it- from publishing 
reproductions of it (scans) to setting it on 
fire.  Sure, the ARTIST who created it should 
always have credit for CREATING it, but even THAT 
doesn't happen- we never see credit given to the 
poor guy who drew it, or the poor girl who 
painted it- instead some COMPANY gets credit for 
it, and why?  BECAUSE THEY PAID FOR IT.  So, you 
should have the rights that the company had 
BECAUSE YOU PAID FOR IT. Oh, but that's likely 
not the way it works, because they invent and 
enforce ridiculous concepts like "we own the 
rights because we didn't sell the rights." If you 
sold a cake at a bake sale to someone you 
probably wouldn't sue them for taking pictures of 
it and showing their friends, and if you took 
them in court everyone would laugh at you. But 
that's only because you don't have a huge team of 
lawyers and lobbyists on your side.  Frankly, 
when I buy a cel I never sign a contract saying 
that I DO NOT buy the rights, so there's that 
My view- Copyright is BUNK because it doesn't do 
what it should- protect the work of creative 
individuals, and instead is just another way for 
large corporations to get richer.  Welcome to 
America. :(

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