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Get a shrink, and FAST (Wed Mar 17 17:15:48 2004 )
fancels-org [View profile ]

I hate ppl like you who think they know others 
and what others are thinking...

1. Buyers do frequent this forum.
2. Pure garbage? Meaning every post I make is 
pure garbage. Difficult... my posts aren't much 
different than all the other off-topic show-me's, 
forsales, questionaboutthiscel,... 
3. When did I insult the sick? I said, they 
cannot avoid walking on crutches. So a fact is an 
insult? Twisted mind you've got.
4. I need no response from ppl who I do not 
personally know, much less appreciate.
5. Want a foto of my swollen-up foot or the soon-
bleeding nose of my friend who did that?
6. I did not allow you to insult me. 
7. What other boards? Plus, the only one full of 
ppl who can't wait to flame somebody, is this one.
8. The only sick little shit is you, from reading 
your post.
9. Your IQ must be really low if you still don't 
know my gender after reading my name I sign 
with. "Anna" is, most of the time, a female name, 

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