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*nod nod nod* (Wed Apr 14 03:45:28 2004 )
Yumeko-chan [View profile ]

I agree that the OVAs are a loooot better than 
2040 (IMO of course), but just let me get into 
the cels for a moment, rather than the series.  
Part of the reason why I love OVA cels so much is 
because of the effort that went into painting 
every single one.  They were all hand-painted, 
and just by looking at them you can see the care 
and precision the painters took; in other words, 
you can just tell they had loving human hands 
upon them, and not to mention the lovely, bright, 
vivid colors. ^_^  As for 2040 cels, well...I 
have a few (exactly three), and I just don't get 
the same rush when I look at them that I do when 
I look at my OVA ones.  They do look kinda 
generic, and they also have that look and feel 
that they were painted/drawn by a computer (which 
I'm pretty sure they were).  And not to mention 
they never (or rarely at best) come with their 
original sketches.

Sure, 2040 cels are cheap (compared to OVA cels, 
anyway), and although I've kinda been wanting 
cels of 2040 Priss and Galatea, whenever I come 
across a nice one I just...don't feel the need to 
jump on it.  I feel the money I could spend on 
that cel would be better off spent on an OVA cel 
that may be more mediocre, but at least will be 
appreciated more.

I suppose this explains why I have 63 OVA cels 
and counting...;)

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