Awesome, really^^ I did want ppl to guess what I
was talking about without naming the exact device
as not many sellers carry those. It's not a chip,
but a nonsense-looking... hat? for the PS2.
Thanks for your advice :)
I did ask on PS2 boards, but I was (un?)lucky to
bump into big deal experts who gave me stuff like:
"That's what you get", "Discuss this problem in a
kids forum", "Ofcourse it wrecked your PS2!"
etc... any suggestions of how to solve it
couldn't be expected from them ;__; But I guess
I'll really remove that hat and restore my baby
to how it was before the nightmare began -___-
Ah, all my import games... Saiyuki Reload...
Bujingai... DNAngel.... I was so looking
forward ;_______;
But ah... what could compete with the thrill from
LOTR in good old "local zone" fashion anyways?
Anna *walks off to baking cakes and making sushi
for the big fat DnB/Punk b-day party of her
friends tonight* ^___^ |