I used to have one in my Gallery that someone
asked me to sell and I did. It was from SM.
Oversized Mamoru cel with matching oversized
background. The cel also had all three cats in
full view (3 or 4 cels in all). Person was very
nice, asked me if I would be upset with her for
offering for something that she knew was in my
personal collection/gallery.
She explained that she was in college and could
not afford much in the way of money but she was
prepaired to make a decent offer for it. She also
explained that to her it was a very special cel
because she had been looking for a cel of all 3
cats and was having a hard time finding one as
nice as mine. She offered what I paid for cel
plus the shipping. I hade no problems with it.
^_^ I thought she was being very nice, honest and
sincere. When someone does that and I can get
what I paid for the cel then I really don't mind
one bit. The only time I would withhold other
than this would be if cel was new and I was
still "attached" to it ^_~;;
Jenny~ |