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Subject: Can't disappoint the lady...er, the minion.... (Wed May 15 21:15:13 2002 )
Author: japester [View profile]
URL: http://www.geocities.com/jpjouver/tmindex4.html
E-mail : japester@telisphere.com

...um....the FEminion.  (Yeah, that's it!)  

You mentioned Washu? :-)

Click the link above and look down and to the left 
for my favorite pair of Washu lab cels.  Getting 
one cel in the sequence was ho-hum due to the 
simple artwork.  But getting contrasting cels from 
the same sequence made it great!

And seeing her blow up just below that is pretty 
fitting.  Heh.

(Love the perspective on that cel, Cindy!)


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