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I totally agree with Karen :) (Thu Dec 20 00:16:07 2001 )
keeper [View profile ]

*cheers* Well said, Xelloss! And I think you're 
completely right. If you have a specific interest 
in this hobby, no one has the right to detour (or 
flame) you for that.

I will admit happily that I am an avid "hoarder" 
of Olba Frost cels ("Gundam X"), and am VERY 
proud of my collection! ^_^ I did lose out on 
some cels of this character, but typically I 
usually win my auctions, or make it in time to 
purchase. And really, the only reason that is so 
is 'cuz - on a whole - there isn't a big fan base 
for "GX". Even in Japan, it's not that popular 
(and you can tell by the way the cels are 
treated). Only now is it becoming more 

I mean, I DO know there are others out there who 
would like a cel of "my baby" Olba, and I think 
that's great! But still, I'm not gonna let that 
thought keep me at bay from collecting cels of 
him. I love Olba; I love collecting cels of Olba. 
And I'm sorry if that makes me seem like 
I'm "hoarding". Call it "overly serious 
collecting". ~_^

I'm also not gonna apologize for having so many 
cels of him, and still continuing to buy and bid. 
It's my own business if I want cels of him that 
badly and am willing to pay painful amounts for 
him. That's the way it works, right? I shouldn't 
apologize if I am willing to bid $50 for 
something someone else is only willing to pay 
$10. If you don't wanna outbid me, obviously it 
means more to me (which it DOES).

Seriously, he is my absolute favorite anime 
character, and I love him to death, if you 
couldn't tell by the online shrine I maintain to 
him, as well. It's not like I'm being a big baby 
and screaming "Mine!" whenever I see a cel. I see 
it for the scene, the moment, what he says, how 
he acts. Each piece of painted acetate has 
sentimental value to me; I can even tell you what 
I was doing/thinking when I first watched said 
scene. I appreciate each and every one! 

Isn't that the point of collecting, why we all 
focus our interest on one show or character? Or 
would you rather see someone who has NEVER EVEN 
SEEN the series to have them instead??

If I offend anyone or anger anyone because of my 
obsession (which I know I've done, looking at one 
certain site), please take it gracefully, and if 
it's that important, email me! Honestly, if 
anyone would like a cel of Olba, I'm open to 
offers (and no, I'm not expecting big offers in 
the least). As long as it's not one I obviously 
love (read my commentary pages and you can tell) 
I may be willing to see some off to loving, 
apprectiative homes. Because, darnit, I will 
NEVER let up on my search. Like Xelloss, I would 
like to collect from every favorite episodes, 
moments, etc. 

I LOVE OLBA!!! ^_^

~ keeper
who thinks she's talked WAY too much O_o

p.s. The madness continues - here's a new cel I 
have (still in Japan right now with my good bud 
Ryo-kun) of my favored bishonen. Episode 39, The 
Moon Will Always Be There, final showdown between 
the hero and the Frosts. Olba looks up to see the 
enemy suit, saying, "Sore wa-- Double X!?"

See. Obsessed. And proud of it! ^_^    

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