The point I think zefyr was trying to get accross
was that it is always better to confront someone
directly about these types of problems with a
personal email rather than complaining to the
board. Either way, the complaint was made out of
ignorance of the facts and I would have to react
if I knew it was me being discussed. Besides, if
I could deduce who was being discussed(I know I
wasn't the only one who read zefyr's post about
the QS cel for sale recently and put two and two
together) then someone else may have as well. It
was kind of obvious if you follow the board at
all. As for zefyr, time to dump geocities girl! I
wish everyone would realize what a complete waste
of bandwidth that place is. Anyway, take it easy
on zef and next time Robin, if it is at all
avoidable, try and handle these matters privately. |