I can understand where you are coming from a
bit... I haven't even been collecting a year, and
when I started, FY was the cheapest of the series
I was interested in ^^;; I was lucky enough to
get a few really nice cels before the prices shot
up recently, and while it is disheartening a bit,
I have to remember that a lot of those people who
are spending the money for the higher priced cels
are able to do so because they work thier butts
off for the money. I'm graduating college this
year, and will either be going to grad school
(bad for cel collecting) or getting a job (good
for cel collecting) but right now, I know I'm on
a limited budget, and while it can be sad to see
some cels I really like go by, I know I'm not
shelling out money that I don't have or driving
up credit, and can still have a collection I love
because I don't feel I overspent on anything.
Now, time to go package up stuff to mail that I
sold to get some cel money ^^; |