Hey Karen, remember when we both thought 535$ was
insane? Haha, I will never forget that night,
it's still one of my favorite cel stories! And,
had that cel not been there I wouldnt know the
two great people I know now because of it! So, I
lost the cel, but I gained a pal! I remember
when I thought Nancy's 475$ price tag was too
much. Seesh, Id pay it now in a heartbeat and
call it cheap!
Yeah, I know who the "high bidder" is too, thanks
to some digging around, and Im very
confused/freakishly mad as to why they're bidding
so high on that cel. Actually, I know exactly why
they're bidding so high.... Oh well, look at me,
Im eating sour grapes mom >_<. But, I cant help
it. If it was any other person I wouldnt care,
but in this case I know....I just KNOW....::ends
sentence abruptly to keep from overstepping
boundaries:: Anyways, I've fumed enough about
this, Im just glad I was able to warn some of you
before it got out of hand ^_~ See you guys, off
I go to paint little clothes now! |