Sorry to poke my nose in all this. (This is
remotely cel-gallery related!) But...
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong--I am *not* the
expert on browsers!--but for two weeks I've been
working on my site overhaul (I'm another HTML-
from-scratch designer) and testing the different
browser applications, and have come to one
conclusion: Netscape Communicator and the older
models of Netscape are really insufficient for
viewing webpages! ^^; There are a lot of
problems with interpreting more advanced HTML
code, especially CSS. In fact, my new design on
my index page won't even show up correctly in
Communicator 4.75, despite many hours of labor
trying to appease my finicky browser. (But then,
so few of my visitors seem to use that version...)
If you are still using an older version, why not
update to Netscape 6? It looks different on the
surface, but it's the much more powerful browser.
To Shawnna--your gallery looks great! You might
be able to fix the border problem in Netscape by
changing your table parameters, but good luck!
^^; It's a pain. Love your cels! Very nice
Fushigi Yuugi. (Incidentally, I've been to a
Polly Esther's before! Your site is nowhere near
that psychedelic.) ^_^