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Re: Cel addiction [LONG] (Sat Jul 28 03:50:58 2001 )
zenjirou [View profile ]


How to control the urges for cels?  One way I 
know is to curb the urge to buy cels 
spontaneously.  You don't need to buy something 
from every update.  Here are some ways you can 
avoid spontaneous purchases:

1.  Know what you want.

Take screenshots of cels that you would like to 
have, and write down how much you'd be willing to 
pay for each one.  If a cel turns up that isn't 
the exact cel, you have instant documentation of 
what you want and how much you're willing to 
pay.  It's very easy to nitpick an expensive cel 
if you have a superior screenshot to compare it 
to, plus you know that there are better cels from 
that sequence that are worth waiting for.  Which 
brings me to my next point:

Found a cel you'd like to have, but it's too 
expensive?  Why buy it if it's more than you feel 
comfortable paying?  Unless it's an A1END or 
hanken, there are other cels in that sequence, 
which may turn up later for a smaller price.

3.  Listen to your heart.

Did you see a cel that made your heart flutter?  
You couldn't stop staring at it because it was so 
beautiful?  That's (IMO) the best reason to buy a 
piece of art -- you can feel your reaction when 
you look at it.  (And no, I am NOT talking about 
the "Damn, that's rare!" feeling, which is 
TOTALLY different, and not really a good reason 
to buy something.)

Or, did you see a cel from a sequence that you've 
been looking for, but it didn't make you go doki-
doki?  It'd probably be a good time to search 
yourself to see if you'd really like it.

4.  Enjoy other things.  (Including the cels that 
you already have! ;P)

Cels are wonderful.  I love the art.  But if I 
start feeling sad that I haven't seen any of the 
cels I'm looking for, there are a few ways to 
quash the "I must buy SOMETHING!" feeling.  I 
look through the cels I already have.  I buy a 
new manga, or read some of my old manga.  You 
don't have to own an *original* piece of art to 
enjoy the piece; watch the anime (or read the 
manga) that you love best and remind yourself how 
exhilirating the art is, whether you own a piece 
of it or not.

Whoever said talking helps... really hasn't 
become a cel addict like all of us.

I wish this "we are all addicts" kind of talk 
would become less trendy.  Addiction is not 
cool, as you can see from the (few) lament-
filled posts on the forum.  It seems like a way 
of saying, "I know what I'm doing is somewhat 
unhealthy or inappropriate, but I'm doing it 
anyway WHEEE!"  Please (and this applies to 
anyone reading) don't take this as an attack.  
I'm just saddened when people take such pride in 
unhealthy behavior.

Remember, when someone who has cels that you 
admire says that they're addicted, don't 
interpret that addiction is the only path to nice 
cels.  ^_^;

Take care,

Zenjirou ^_^

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