I'd like to also take this moment to tell everyone
here that I have received many letters from
Japanese people who want me to express their
condolences to the American people. It's not easy
to get such difficult thoughts through a language
barrier, but they have been able to, and I know
that it has made me feel much better. One comment
arrived to me (unsolicted) from a seller with
whom I had already finished a transaction. At the
end was the note:
"It makes me sad to think of popole die. (T-T)
I pray for victims."
This was just something from our friends across
the ocean that I felt needed to be shared. To
any and all from Japan who are reading this
board, thank you so much. . . Please pass the
thanks on to those who cannot or do not read here.
Every kind word means a lot right now.
Many Sharp Smiles,