Ok, the two cels you posted are very, VERY
obviously repros, and I'd hope painted from a
screencapture (because that's the only thing I
can think of that would excuse such horrible
washed-out color matching when the paint job is
decent) but *ahem* it would also be likely that
this cel was made from yours because it's just so
close. It's pretty easy to blank out colors on
any outlined drawing so probably moreso for a cel
and turn it into an outline with a mask tool on a
computer so it might have been done with a
photocopier, (the lines are also really thin,
thinner than I can manage with a paint pen.)
They're also a bit darker on your cel, which
would go along with what happens to outlines when
you blank them out on a computer. But I'm not
*quite* sure, because I've never gone the photo
copier route before.
No opinion on the Urd one though ^_^ I'm a lot
better at telling which is the copy than a spot-
on difference. Her skin tone looks a little off,
but that could all be lighting |