They are reproductions but the sellers have not
listed as such.
ebay item 1011230831 is a cel of Urd that was
discussed on July 1st (search for Jim W as
author). One difference (of several) from the
video frame is provided in a picture in that
ebay item 1012533962 is shown below on the left,
with the comparable cel from my collection that I
believe to be the production cel (in which all
the details seem to match what I see in the video
frame). The green arrows point out differences
from the video in the ebay item (a white area of
the dress that should be colored, and an area of
the necklace that is missing a shadow).
A reminder, repros appear to be limited to cels
from the AMG OVAs, and it is wise to check the
authenticity of OVA cels for yourself by
comparing them to the source material (i.e., I
haven't checked all the OVA cels currently on
ebay, but I would if I were interested in them).
On the other hand, I haven't seen or heard of any
repros from the AMG movie (so bid away on movie
cels). |