I should have reread the previous post before I
hit the answer message key. ^^;;; I'll muddle
But, just because there are so many frames/second
in a film doesn't mean that there is a cel for
each second. Most high quality animes will still
be a lot fewer than that.
For example (and this info is taken from
www.nausicaa.net -- my favorite place) just
viewing Studio Ghibli films, one can see a higher
cel count than most anime series. The animation
looks much smoother (especially noticeable when
you slow down the pictures). But their cel count
seems a lot lower than you would expect:
For Laputa (a little over two hours long), the
cel count is only: 69, 262
Kiki's Delivery Service: (102 minutes): 67,317
Princess Mononoke (133 minutes): 144,043
I'm not sure how this can be compared to other
anime series (I have to admit that in some cases,
I have counted how many cels are in a sequence in
order to figure out how many are out there ^^;;
and usually it's not more than ten). I know that
Disney uses a higher cel count than Ghibli (gotta
find where I read that and if you are interested,
I'll post it).
Hope this helps,
Wendy |