Time to ditto evilminion...
Back in the stone age, I used VI in a unix shell
to create my web sites. Every time I made a
change I needed to exit back into the shell, enter
lynx, check the page, exit lynx, enter VI... I
don't know how I managed. ;)
Eventually Windows and Netscape entered my life
(for better or worse) and I could keep a terminal
open to my VI/shell and a window open to a
browser. *phew*
Now I've left the stone age, *cough*, and use
Notepad to design my sites. I don't use html
books, I just play around until I get the look I'm
aiming for. Code can be snagged off other sites
if necessary (which I know I did at least once, a
few years ago). I still habitually design my
sites in a lynx-friendly manner, which isn't all
bad because a lot of people browse with their
graphics turned off and therefore need completely
text-friendly pages.
(A lot of good that wouldn't do them on a cel
site. While making mine, recently, I started
wondering if the main index was too graphics
heavy. Then I remembered that cel sites in
general can't exactly be the least
graphics-loaded beasts around. Oh yeah! Heh.)
Which amounts to saying: my sites are NOT fancy,
but they're simple and I like them. You'll see
when I open my cel site. ;)
I have never used a web designing program. Any
web page I look at that was designed with one has
a lot of useless gibberish in the coding, plus
details about what program you used and such. I
prefer everything to be tightly coded exactly the
way I want it, because I'm anal-retentive.
Using Notepad (or VI, or any other text editor),
it's easy to copy a file of a page similar to the
the new one you're working on. Then simply
replace all text, file names to be linked, etc,
with the correct ones. Though this has
occasionally led to me loading a page to see how
it looks and noting something along the lines of
"Oops, the title for my Ura Uruha cel section says
'Hiei and Kurama cels'". ;) But that's easy
enough to fix.
I, too, use Photoshop for graphics. Both for
scanning and for cleaning up images. And for
seeing what size proportions I want in my IMAGE
SRC lines.
-Jasmine |