> Why? Why should someone have to change
> themselves to satisfy YOU people!?
There isn't much choice :
Either you assum what you do knowing you will
annoy many people. Or you try to avoid annoying
too many people.
The choice is up to you. But you have to
make it : You can't keep having attitude
that you know will annoy people and then
complain when it happen.
> your own words. Perhaps, Yann, you should change
> your words so that you don’t offend people, eh?
Why ? I am not going to whin if people get
offended. I made my choice and I assume it.
> like one…the term was coined by us, not her.
> She was single-handedly blamed for the crash
> of Taro by many…
Oh? Realy ? Did Taro said so ? Did the admin
of the server said so ? I don't think...
Oh, true, now I remember : The "many" are 1
person (perhaps 2 ?) who wrote that it was
not a good idee to post it because everybody
rushed in when they read it. Again if I remember
correctly, the same person also said that Taro
should not have announced it or done it on
the top of midnight to avoid the rush.
But there was nothing offensive or aggresive
in those mails : just comments on the situation
and how to avoid it next time.
> wrong, or that she was unjustly accused…just
> that she got a lot of shit from people like
> you.
Yeah, right. Until people like you forced me
into that thread a few hours ago, the only things
I may have told her was to post a little less
(not even sure) or perhaps delete one of her
messages as part of a whole bunch of other
I agree, that's a "lot of shit from people
like me".
> Yann, you only think in terms of one thread.
> See the box, Yann? Step outside. Now, not only
> form this one thread, but in the past I’ve seen
> her been bashed.
Be careful, that's a double-edge sword : I
especialy avoid taking into consideration old
messages (messages not related to the current
topic) of people when having to step-in as admin.
It's to moderate the forum on what is happing
now and not on old grudge or past mistakes.
If I had to go now and look at everything
she posted from the start on the forum, are you
sure that it will be to her advantage ?
(that's just a question I ask. I can't answer it
myself without doing it and look at all messages)
> On another note, I’m sure she’s getting angry
> at us referring to her in the third person as
> if she doesn’t exist…
"The evil is in the eyes of the watcher".
When I use the third person, it's because I don't
want to speak of someone specificaly but refer
to a generic situation.
If you want to take it as if I was speaking
of you personaly, that's your choice. Not my
If you want to take is as being an insult,
again that's your choice. Not my intention.
The big differance between you and me is
that you take everything like a personal matter.
While myself I am doing my job of admin. In
fact, I very rarely look at who posted a given
message : I answer on the content not the
poster. (and that's goes with what I told you
above about not juding someone on what he made in
the past but on what he is doing now)
> If she really is as annoying and terrible as you
> say, don’t you think she hears enough of it
> already?
Then why not listen to a simple "please, can you
try to post a little less off-topic messages"
coming from the admin ?