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Re: Re: A COUPLE OF QUESTION FOR YANN (part 2) (Mon Jun 25 01:23:11 2001 )
Yann Stettler [View profile ]

> But what about the other info questions, like
> posts about IPMO's, packing standards

Sure, all info are most welcome. But please,
make at least a minimal attempt at looking if
your question wasn't already answered...

> reliability of various dealers

I don't have any problem with that. But I
often have problem with the answers to such
question. It usualy turn out with a bunch
of people doning their gleaming armour and
saddling their white warhorse while another
group raise the stake, shapren their pikes
and light the fires.

You get 50 messages which seems to come from
as many people. But if you look really, there
is perhaps only 3-4 people posting. And on
those 3-4, half didn't had a direct experience
but "seems to remember having read something
somewhere" or "know a friend who know a friend
who dealed with that dealer a couple of years
ago.. or was it another dealer ?")

Try to avoid posting to say that you don't
have anything to say...

> opinions on values of cels

Sure fine. But again don't over do it : Asking
for all the cels on Yahoo, is not the way to
go... Again, what I want to avoid is that the
forum become one dealer's private board.

> "show me your animal/bishy/surprised/naked/etc." 
> cel posts.  Are those okay?

Yes but again, don't over do it. It's cute once
in a while. It's annoying every couple of hours.
(And try to moderate yourself a little on the
choice of topic : personaly, I find that the
"show me your homosexual cels" is limit, limit..
Does we realy need that kind of pool here ?)

> now and then, a popup ad appears and obscures
> part of the banner for the forum.  My browser
> stalls and won't continue to load any forum
> posts.  Nor will it do anything else.  I have
> to shut it down and restart.

Actualy, that's not a pop-up : it's inside the
same window. And that's a bug of Netscape: it
shouldn't freeze like that.
You don't have to restart your computer : close
all Netscape's windows and then do CTRL ALT DEL :
in the list of task, you will find that there is
still a Netscape runing (that's the one who is
crashed). Kill it. Then you can lunch Netscape

Yann Stettler

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