It was too fun :)
And yes, the pocketbook is definitely groaning
now. To say nothing of the fact that I'm going to
have to get a _fourth_ cel book because of the
evil overlord's convincing me to buy a bunch of
gorgeous pan cels. How could I resist all the
nice pretties for decent prices, especially given
1) my partner in crime who kept saying "you
should get it!" and 2) seeing the FABULOUS
collections some of you people brought with you!
(*turns green with envy over the 12-cel Zelgadis
casting sequence...*)
I can understand the complaints about the
organization, though. Something that has ten
thousand people coming to it needs to invest a
little advance effort into making legible and
professional-looking SIGNAGE. Good lord, with
all the media people and computer geeks at that
conference, would it be too hard to get someone
on, say, Word even??????
And we won't discuss the "seating times" for the
big events Friday and Saturday nights :) |