Y'know, they bitch at me for years (ever since
I started watching anime about 8 or 9 years ago,
actually) about enjoying this hobby... then when
I totally agree and decide to do the "family
thing" when the situation looks bleak, they
pick up MY old argument... now my mother, sister,
and grandmother are complaining to me that they
want me to help but don't want me to sell the
things I love... I don't understand these people
at ALL. (And I am still strong on selling them,
since I can't sell my car and get by, and I can't
work more than 2 jobs with school and that
won't cut it...)
Does anyone else ever face this? You make a
decision, even though it's something you loathe
to do, and then everyone who was pushing you to
MAKE that decision starts telling you that they
were wrong? (In my grandmother's case: "But when
will you find something else you get as excited
about?" after she's been telling me for years
that it's cartoon junk and she doesn't know how
anyone can spend money on it...) And their
argument "just keep your favorites and get a
second job to cover that" doesn't work either
(esp. not while taking 20 credit hours at school
this summer)... they're ALL my favorites, as I
don't collect on a whim anymore!
I'm just glad I'm not a minor or something. :P
If they had control over my money or possessions
I think I would join a convent and just live
with nothing... :P
Guys, I am SO sorry to be whining like this...
you have no idea what the last 2 weeks have been
like, and I literally started crying when the
mail came today. I am not answering the phone
any more this week. Is it worth giving up
your collection of something you love (and still
probably getting a second job, but only part-time
that way!) to not have to deal with the stress
and listen to people whine?
Does anyone else ever hit this problem? Decide
to do something and then the people who were for
that idea suddenly change their minds? Maybe
I'm the only one with a crazy family... am I?
Maybe these people just like to argue...
(who will shut up now and quit whining... sorry
again... and if you have a FLAME about this,
please EMAIL me and I will be happy to reply to
you... otherwise, I frankly don't need to hear
your rotten opinions of me this week...) |