I agree that Xerox is probably the easiest way to
go and it gives a clean line, but I like to line
trace anyway, so here's what I use. I started
with a Sanford Vis-a-Vis transparency marker,
permanent, non-toxic, extra fine point. But the
lines are still fatter than I like it, so I
switched to a type of ink called arcylic artists
ink, it's basically liquid acrylic. It's not in
pen form, so you have to have a fountain pen or
something to draw the ink into it. But it works
great, for me anyway. Lines are thin and crisp
when I used it with a fine tipped fountain pen,
minus the occasional wigglies from my hand
shaking. ^^; Here's a fancel I made line traced
with the acrylic ink, my other fancels traced
with the Sanford pen are here:
Hope this helps. ^^
-ix |