Yeah, that is from the TV series- I'm *pretty*
sure it's from the scene where Kenshin first meets
Misao. She gets frustrated at him and keeps
trying to hit him while he just bounces around in
SD (really cute- can't remember the episode number
off the top of my head, though.)
As far as telling the difference between the
Movie and TV- there are subtle art style
differences. I can tell them apart (comes from
watching a tad too much Kenshin) but I would be
hard pressed to tell you exactly how they differ-
especially because the art style of the TV series
isn't consistant either.
Another thing I was wondering about Movie vs TV
cels- From what I've noticed, movie cels usually
go for less than TV cels or equivalent
poses/quality even though the movie is only an
hour and a half long. What determines that and
why? |