Just stopped by the forum and thought I'd say a
quick 'hi' to everyone I met at AZ!
Though I didn't have much time to stop and chat
because of the hectic schedule, I really enjoyed
meeting everyone and seeing some great
collections. There's so many new faces each year!
If I seemed abrupt/distracted/distant at any point
to anyone who stopped to greet me, I want to
apologize because I was being pulled in 10
different directions and couldn't quite focus on
anything specific. And if I couldn't stop
cracking up, (this is specifically for you Aethel
^_~), please go beat up Yolanda who was telling me
these awful, awful things that had me in fits for
hours. -_-*
Oh and to the F4 (you guys know who you are) and
I'm retarded because I misplaced the email addys
you wrote down.. I got the ajoining rooms at the
Hyatt today so drop me a line to discuss the
Btw, I've uploaded a picture of the cel gathering
to my site. http://animiko.com/AZ01CelGather.jpg
If you want to identify yourself, email me. ^_^
(I'm terrible at remembering names.)
Take care, :)
- Debbye