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My new cel from Animazement! (Mon May 28 17:31:23 2001 )
Shawnna B



Oh boy, did I have a great time at Az!  Before I 
go on and on about Watase, I wanted to say how 
happy I am to have met some of you!  I had a 
great time talking with everyone, and getting to 
see some of your gorgeous collections!  The cel 
panel was AmazinG! I think me and a few others 
felt really left out casue we had such small 
collections to show.  Being in the room with such 
vast and high quality books, I must admit I felt 
like crawling out of there with my tail under my 
belly!  I want to say a special thank you to 
Debbye, and Cindy, and Sherry for showing us your 
outstanding cel collections!  You are truly 
blessed to have such wonderful things to show 
everyone, thanks for being so nice and letting us 
see everything!  

I got a new cel myself, which I wasnt expecting!  
I'll post it below for everyone to see, and, 
sorry for the bad scan, but it's a HUGE long pan 
cel, 16 x 9!  So, I messed up a bit with the 
sizing, and cut poor Taka's mouth off!  I liked 
this one, it just reminds me of a Frosted Flakes 
commercial...."Go get em' Tiger!"

Watase was so nice you guys!  She had 3 
signings!  I was so sad cause I couldnt talk with 
some of you more often! Between standing in line 
to see Yuu, and to see Ayashi no Ceres, which was 
too good for words, I didnt even have time to 
eat!  All I had was a half a cold sandwich, 2 
peices of that raunchy (y'all KNOW what I mean) 
pizza, and a bag of Cheetos...oh and a small 
peice of a chocolate bar.  Blergh!  I have never 
been so busy at a con in my life!  I was able to 
get 4 signatures!  I got a lovely FY poster 
signed, my first Nuri cel, and two others!  
Watase was really funny about the cels, she made 
comments on just about everyone's!  She made fun 
of a pan cel I had where Miaka looks like she ate 
too much, and she drew a sweat bead on Tasuki!  
Hah!  I also gave her two peices of fan art, 
which I think she really liked!  **@_@**

As far as cels go, it was a pretty slim pick.  
Curt from Asylum was the only dealer there, and 
he is wonderfully nice!  And man, after I 
promised I would never collect another series but 
FY, I had to see ANC.....so I'll be on the hunt 
for at least one cel from that show!  It is so 
great!  Sorry I coulndt find anything anyone was 
wanting.  By the time I got there, most of the 
good things were picked over, AND you had to 
smash your way through.  There were only a few 
Tenshi, and none that were worth the buy I 
thought.  And Cowboy Bebop's and Kenshin's, I 
didnt even see any.  I am going to Akon though, 
so I will look there as well!  There's gonna be 
tons of dealers, and Im getting there nice and 

Overall I had a great great time!  Im glad to 
have smiling faces with some of your names now!  
I hope I was different in person than I am on 
this board.  I got a couple of aloof reactions 
from people, but that's to be expected!  This 
place is great, but sometimes, people step on 
toes, when they actually dont mean to.  Im just 
glad everyone had fun!  Maybe next time everyone 
wont be so rushed and can chat more!  Here is my 
new cel, enjoy!  And again, thanks to everyone 
for being so nice at the cel panel, hope to see 
you all again soon!

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