Yeah I remember you! Hey cool! And it sounds
like I know who Avery was too now that she
mentioned being dressed Tasuki. And dont worry
you seem very nice to me. I wouldnt have posted
about being all upset for not meeting you if I
didn't like you. Truth be told, there's not
really anyone on the forum who I don't like,
though I sometimes disagree with people. (Though
its not the same thing).
You know.. just as a side comment it was really
hilarious to watch the mob around Curt's table
when the dealer's room opened, and realize...
they were all girls. Okay maybe there was one
guy. But seriously other than that they were ALL
female. To me that rather answered the question
about the sex division in this hobby ( or at
least of those in this hobby who were able to
make it to AZ ^_^)