okay first off Id be hurt because my cels are
really important to me..and saying that they are
junk would make me feel like I couldnt share when
I really wanted to. I like to share whats most
important to me with PEOPLE who are important to
It makes me happy.
The person who is most important to
me..doesn't "get it" either. we just dont share
this hobby..its probably for the best..we'd
starve to death..(heh)
thats why I come here.. lotsa nice new friends
who understand the hobby, and why after I come
here I go home at night to a nice old friend who
understands ME.(or at least humours me)
Its natural for partners and friends to have
different interests...its even a good
thing..however to be honest my financial partner
has always said encouraging things..even though
there is a definate lack of enthusiasm..
Its sort of how I feel when I have to hear
about what level in the game has been beaten,or
about Tom Petty stories I kinda nod..and smile.
Its not a nice thing to say to someone that an
interest is junk..but maybe you caught that
person on a bad day..people who love you accept
your quirks..even if it means eating PBand J for
a week..**sigh**