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Re: Why My Auctions Were Cancelled (Fri Mar 2 03:32:59 2001 )

Sure you were doing something wrong. You weren't 
using ebay as it's intended to be used. If you 
aren't selling anything, and ebay is supposed to 
be used as a forum to sell things.... ??

Also, I don't understand why everyone seems to 
have a problem with eBay. Yes, a lot of people 
break the rules. I used to report people every 
single day for selling bootlegs and fansubs and 9 
times out of 10 the auctions were removed. Also, 
since I have knowledge about fansubs, it's easier 
for me to spot auctions. We can't assume that 
eBay has an absolute knowledge of every single 
item in every single category of auctions it 
houses.And even if they _do_ know, I don't envy 
that person's job, arbitrarily deciding what gets 
cancelled and what doesn't.

The funniest thing to me is that it's the people 
who haven't even READ the rules who are the first 
to complain about getting busted by them. That's 
not eBay's fault, it's YOURS for not reading the 
fine print and understanding it before you place 
auctions. You could always email them if you were 
unsure. It sucks to have all of your stuff 
cancelled, though. Big Time.

Futhermore, eBay is NOT a store. It is a forum 
for consumer to consumer sales. It's not supposed 
to be a place for vendors and other people with 
online stores to peddle their wares to the 
general public. That's what their website is for, 
right? And there are a million other ways to get 
website traffic. Most people just get pissed 
because ebay won't allow them to advertise their 
store for free. And why should they? Other 
businesses and websites are paying through the 
NOSE to advertise on eBay; it's not fair to let 
sellers do it for free. 

Since eBay runs the servers and pays all the 
fixed costs (don't think for a moment the minimal 
fees it charges for listing auctions pays for 
everything) they have the right to establish 
appropriate behavior on their site. If you don't 
like it, leave. No one is forcing you to use eBay.

Misa - Your wording about PayPal _was_ ambiguous. 
It seemed to me that you were saying that you 
would add on the costs that PayPal charges onto 
your auction. Use fewer words. Say that you 
accept PayPal, but the most preferred method is 
_________. Or don't advertise it at all on eBay, 
but use the follow up email to the high bidder to 
state your PayPal policy.  

Buyer, bidder, and sellers beware, and all that 


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