> PS: Why'd ebay cancel auctions? yike!
Top 5 reasons for your auction being canceled on
ebay :
1) You mentioned somewhere on your website the
name of another auction site
2) You wrote the word "adult" somewhere in the
description of your auction. (Like in : "A
cel of two adults discussing")
3) You dared to mention the name of your website
and/or what it is related to in your auction.
(Like in "Check my website about anime" instead
of puting "Click here")
4) They don't like the background color you
5) Anything they fancy : They will just write
a new rule, close your auction and then
tell you to read the rule.
(Sometime they don't bother to write the rule
at all. But they still tell you to read it)
Top 5 reasons for your auction _not_ to be
canceled on Ebay :
1) You sell something illegal
2) You sell botleg/copies/fakes/forgery
3) You sell something with a wrong/misleading
4) You cash the money and never send the goods
5) You cheat/steal and whatever others activities
that any other business anywhere can't do
without being closed-down by the authorities.
Yann Stettler