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Re: Re: AAARGH!! >_O (Tue Sep 5 20:01:32 2000 )

I was very dissapointed with the Escaflowne
dub on Fox. Almost all of episode 1 was cut.
That was a dumb decision in my opinion, because
then you don't really get to know Hitomi, it's 
just like you're being thrown into a story that
doesn't really mean much to you. I guess Fox's
reasoning for cutting episode 1 was "not enough
action to draw audiences." Blah, I thought episode
1 was great!!!
Oh well. You should defintely buy the sub, oion, 
because so far it seems that the show was hacked
to bits for the dub.  :(
(btw, feel free to disagree with me anyone- I'm 
interested to hear what everyone else thinks 
about Esca on Fox.)

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