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Total Lack of Cels Recently (Mon Sep 4 22:51:36 2000 )

Is it just me or has the cel selection lately 
been really SLIM?  I mean from major dealers... 
we have lots of fans selling off parts of their 
collections to get new stuff as always, but the 
major dealers seem to be in a slump... Now, I've 
been collecting for almost but not quite a year 
now... is this just some kind of post-con slump?  
The only cel I've bought since Otakon was from a 
friend whom I don't exactly consider a "major 
dealer" (maybe a new, kinda small but still good 

And exactly what is up with Bonbee?  Its not very 
nice to post cels and not let people buy them!  :-
(  Kenshin OVA cels... and I can't even TRY.... :-

A Frustrated Tifa Who Is In Need of New Cels

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