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Re: Anime-Taro... (Mon Dec 18 08:19:49 2000 )

I'll answer this one now and then you can
all flame and trash me later. (I hope this is
formatted correctly because I just copy
and pasted from my word processor)

If you have been following the site you
will know that I am always updating and
adding new functions to the site. At the
present time the site keeps me busy
around 8-10 hours per day and I rarely take
holidays and when I do it always involves
some cel business sometime during the
day, On top of this I have another job and
a family with two kids who do not get the
attention they deserve.

While I am always open to suggestions the
chances are I will not be able to include all
them because I have found the hard way that
it is impossible to _please_every_one_all
the time. Say tomorrow I sorted the cels on
the site and added the changes you want 
one would still want more information.

As for backgrounds the way we class them is.

Laser copy = background Yes, Note this is
as yes because the laser copy is produced
by the studio.
At the present time we do not state that
the background is a laser copy. I will look
into doing this. I think there is no more than
10 laser background cels on the site at the
present time.

Colour copy = background should be blank 
the words "background is a colour copy" 
be under the cel.

As for damages, I only note if this if they are
highly significant. Prices will reflect this. Once
again this can be a matter of personal choice, 
Mr. Sano and I consider minor damages 
some one
may consider them MAJOR damages.

I have a BIG list of things to do to the site, But I 
even a BIGGER list of things that I must do to 
the office
computer system before I take 2 weeks off to 
home to New Zealand in March 2001.(Jumps 
for joy 
- sorry guys I haven't been home in 10 YEARS)

Yes I know it would be wonderful if the site
functioned the way you want it too, but please
understand a lot of time has gone into this site
and changes are not going to happen over 
or they may not even happen at all.

- Thanks

.....cream buns, Lammingtons, Afghans, 
Golden Syrup,
Gingernuts, Milky bars,weetbix, Marmite 
Lemon and Paeroa, crayfish,whitebait, oysters
Moro bars, Fish and Chips Tip Top ice cream
Peanut Slabs,Luxury Flakes,Jaffas and milk:) 
god this
list could go on and on......need some sleep


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